
Employees check movement documents

Hazardous waste management in the best of hands

In modern production industry, there is a growing tendency for waste to be recycled and reintroduced into the production life cycle. However, certain substances are classified as hazardous because they have properties that make them potentially harmful to human health or the environment. This means that they need to be disposed of safely and correctly by experienced professionals. Experienced professionals like REMONDIS Industrie Service.

To find out what we can do for you, please e-mail us

Hazardous substances awaiting treatment

Solutions for disposing of hazardous substances

At REMONDIS Industrie Service, we provide hazardous waste management solutions for industrial customers and regional waste management providers, not only in Germany but also in countries where such facilities are not sufficiently available.


We have highly specialised solutions for disposing of industrial gases, refrigerant gases and gas cylinders safely and efficiently.

Aerosol cans

We have the technology and the expertise needed to recycle aerosol cans and propellant gases in keeping with the strictest environmental requirements.


We have extensive experience in recycling, reusing and disposing of the many different types of hazardous solvents used in industry.

The three types of hazardous waste

Through our expertise we can state-of-the-art solutions for the proper disposal of hazardous waste from industry, construction, agriculture, refineries, hospitals and many other sources. These hazardous substances come in three different forms.

Solid waste

This includes e.g. filter cake from foreign CP plants, fly ash from incinerators, filter dust, pre-mixed waste and pharmaceuticals

Liquid Waste

For example residue from cleaning tanks, liquid pesticides, and special acids and alkalis

Gaseous waste

This refers to greenhouse gases, chlorine, sulphur dioxide and many other kinds of gases

Disposal of hazardous substances: How is hazardous waste managed?

As a longstanding partner to industry and regional waste management providers, REMONDIS Industrie Service has a wide range of solutions for hazardous waste disposal. These include chemical-physical treatment, thermal waste treatment, underground disposal, landfills and backfilling.

These options are explained in detail in the information on procedures for hazardous waste

Why is proper disposal of hazardous substances important?

If hazardous substances are not disposed of using procedures specified in environmental sound manner, they pose a serious threat to the environment, not least in the form of contaminated soil and drinking water. In keeping with the Basel Convention and EU Directive 1013/2006, companies are required to provide proof that their hazardous waste has been disposed of safely and correctly. REMONDIS provides regional waste management companies with a ready-made solution for special waste that they do not have the technology or expertise to treat themselves.

Unspoilt natural beauty: a clean, uncontaminated river

REMONDIS Industrie Service GmbH